Download a scanned copy of Javed Chaudhry’s book “Zero Point 2010 (Collections of Urdu Columns in year 2010)“. We are thankful to our friend Afridi who has shared this great resource for all of us. soon, we will update books section to make available other books too. You may subscribe your email at to get an update when resource will be available.

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i like ur colmns
Thanks for sharing……
Looking for other books by Javaid Ch.
Please bring my e mails to Javed chaudhry’s attention…I want to help.
amir jafri
thanks for sharing this useful link.
Its very nice sharing; JC columns r very informative and gives us a hope to live, hope to do better and creates an environment where every1 is live together as well as its own natural identity.
you are doing a great Job, Allah bless You.
thanks for sharing.
Your column is one of the main reasons to open the pages of daily express. “ALLAH KARAY ZORAY KALAM AUR ZIADA”
regards/respects and DUAS
Masud Sheikh
Manchester, UK
it an honour for me that i have got a chance to read your colunm 2010.i want to ask some question from every pakistani….!!
plz contact me so that i delivered these questions to u and everyone.
assalam alaikum
pleeeeez do something for 72 sects of islam. is there any group that calls themselves Muslims only, not shia or sunni?
very thanks javed sab
It’s very nice sharing; Javedd Choudary columns r very informative and gives us a hope to live, hope to do better and creates an environment where every 1 is live together as well as its own natural identity.
Ch. Sb, en logon ko batain k aap sirf merz taskhees kersaktay hain, dawa nahe aap k pass yar.
Ye kiyun aik dosray k munh ki tarf daikh rahay hain, it na he dard hay to bun jain, Egyptins, rakh dain hila ker aiwanon ko,
Baatain kerwalo bus!!!!!!!!!!
thanx chaudhary sab thanx amna and afridi,,we are learning a lot
through your columns,,,
Sir, i like ur colums very much. if it is possible that i can read ur colum at daily basis. It is very difficult for me to wait for 2 or 3 days for ur colum. GOD bless u.
I like your columns. I read your columns when ever the published in Daily Express newspaper.
Aoa — that columns pdf is locked — from where can i get the key ???
Liked your Z-axis of looking at the things …
Full time fan of yours …
javed chaudhry is great columnist and his mently approch is god gifted.i like and love javed chaudhry. may you live long.
I like your columns and kal tak tv programme.
bulshit……we have already subscribed….
This book is password protected please share password as well …
I like your columns so much, please.
I like zero point very much and I have one edition in my libary
I like zero point very much and I have one edition in my libary
we proud u as are serving the country through your shows.i have yours six books on zero point in my collection.and also i saw your shows at Qasim Ali Shah Acadmy.May u live long.
i like javed chaudhry colunms
nice sir
he is a rich intellectual property of our poor country.
sir you are doing a great Job,
محترم جناب جاوید چوہدری صاحب
السلام علیکم
میں آپ کے کالم بڑے شوق سے اور بلا ناغہ پڑھتا ہوں میری آپ سے گزارش ہے کہ جو آپ نے کالم اپنی سائٹ پر رکھے ہیں انکے پاسورڈ بھی رکھیں تاکہ ہم ان کتابوںکو پڑھ سکیں۔
امید ہے آپ اس طرف ضرور توجہدیںگے
JAVED BHAI I need ur column on 7 habits,would u plz tell me where I can find that?
you are doing very good job!!
Please keep it up and concentrate more on other things rather than politics.
i got a treasure of knowledge from this website………
JAVED BHAI ap student kly be columns liky
Sir,the way you write a column is give us the vision to look to different issues
Salam .Javed uncle I like all your columns and books.I also watch your TV programing KAL TAK with great interst.
Javed Bhai, this is my first comment about ur coulmns.
What can i say about your coulmns, I love ur eachone coulmn.
I pray for ur good health and long life.May ALLAH bless you always.
As’salam o alaikum,
This is my first comments in your site, actually i want to a member for the same site, how i can get membership.
Muhammad Shoaib
as salam o alikum plz send me the zip code of ur books zero point 1 and five plz
i like ur coulmns.
i read regularly.
No doubt u r not only good coulmest but a great Pakistani and serving our nation in very beautiful manner
May u live long
sir i like you very much and your columns are very very helpful fr student and all the member of the society
I am a big fan of your columns,talk show and your personality.your columns are torch light of our society.
Everybody who have esthaistic secnse and a true patriot would appreciate your effort so do I.Need to download your prcious books. make it easy to download accessable to every reader although we are not a good reader nation.
with regards
Muhammad Ayaz
I like your columns because these are constent source of knowledge for me,I have my own library,I like the people just to have a life like….
Manaa k es jahan ko na gulzar karsky hum.Kuch khaar to kum kar gaye guzry jidhar se hum
I am regular reader of your columns and your books are excellent.I have read all your books
You are one of my favourite writers.
sir please refer me some good books
My Respected sir ur columns and personility both are so impessive.(Duwa Ebwdat Hae)is my favourite in all of your,s columns.sir i have a keen desire to met with you face by face.and also have a desire to find out ur CELL NUMBER.MAY U LIVE LONG ONLY FOR ME.